Exposure as a visual metaphor


  1. I really enjoyed looking at your images. One image I particularly like is the image of the dishes. I like the subject matter and think you can have a very impressive image with more time editing. I love the softness of the images and hope you retain that throughout the editing process.

  2. I really love these photos they have a sort of softness to them especially the first one, and the edits are great. I would shy away from a little of the black and white and try to use its natural color in some.

  3. I personally really like the image of the dishes, as well as the 5th image. I'm not entirely sure what that image even is infact, but I love how mysterious and how it sort of gives off an ominous vibe to it. I'm not entirely sure about the image of what looks to me like blankets. In my opinion, that may be one of your weaker images, and I would suggest that you try and experiment more with the arrangement or angle.

  4. I really like the last image. I think if you tried some different crops you would be able to make the image even better. I also really like the image of the dishes, and it might be even stronger if you cropped out some of the white background.


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